1998 Tumlingtar to Gokyo Ri
The above panorama features the view from Gokyo Ri of Everest.
Rather grainy and not really a panorama just an oldish photo but you can zoom in and pan around a bit.
The videos and photos were taken on the World Expeditions trek “Everest Arun Valley” in March 1998. It was our first visit to the Nepal Himalaya and was a real eye opener. For a written account read the trek log. The pictures are video stills and rather poor resolution but they illustrate the walk. Click them for a bigger picture. The animation is a Terragen rendered flying overview of the trek.
Above is a rather long video of the trek. It is showing it’s age being 4 x 3 and rather dodgy quality.
The caption above links to my Flickr album of these photos where you could download them.
This ia an animated fly through of the trek rendered with Terragen 4. See the section “Rendered Hills” for more info on how its made.